Wednesday 9 May 2007

The Life Moronic: Will the Real MandMs please stand up?

Good evening.

Something very upsetting has happened.

While recently shopping for chocolatey treats I purchased a packet of MandMs. Upon arriving home I noticed they had been labeled "Choco MandMs". Choco? Since when was a superfluous prefix needed? MandMs have always been chocolate! The colour of the packaging denoted the original or the peanut variant.

It's my belief that the Peanut addition of the MandM brand has become so popular that they have eclipsed the original to become the default MandM. This situation has to be rectified. What next? Will they rename the original KitKat "KitKat Small"?

This is entirely the fault of Wispa Gold. In the early 90s, Wispa introduced a new variety of thier bubbly bar with a caramel filling. The success of this paved the way for Wispa Mint. Aero was soon to follow with Orange and then Mint. The success of bastardising the brand led to the eventual introduction of the almighty KitKat Chunky. The king of bastardised brands.

Now you can hardly find an original brand, with variants of Dairy Milk filling the shelves so much that Dairy Milk itself has become a brand within a brand (Dairy Milk Biscuit anyone?). Curly Wurly has been broken into bits, Toffee Crisp has become a bag of gooey CoCo Pops and even the once mighty Flake has become coated in an outer layer and thus no longer... Flakes.

Smarties Ice Cream, Mars Drink, Malteasers Light, Rolo Bar, Galaxy Caramel Cadbury's Creme Egg Bar (which totally ruins the concept of being an egg), Mars Bars have become Revels and Kinder Eggs without the egg or toy. What the Hell is going on? Stop ruining sweets!

Has nothing evaded being mutated into something new? Enter the simple Finger Of Fudge. Applaud it's simplicity and loyalty to it's original form.

The irony of all this is that Wispa, the brand that put all this in motion, is no more and every other attempt to expand MandMs has subsequently failed. As Space Ghost used to say "There's a lesson here somewhere..."

And don't get me started on Diet Coke with Lemon.


Samantha & Mom said...

I saw your link on The Pisstaker today and thought I'd stop by. You are funny and I love the comics. I'll be back. Check us out if, you don't mind cat blogs. I'm trying my hand at comics too? Check out Tigger's First comic strip. We'll see you.
Samantha, Tigger and Mom

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the Terry's Chocolate Orange Mint Bars?

Surely the ultimate example of nonsensical branding.

A mint Chocolate bar that breaks into Orange shaped segments, With the word Orange on the wrapper but has no Orange flavour?

It brought back all the anger I managed to repress over BBQ flavour Mini Chedders.

They don't taste of CHEESE!!! Why... are... they.. called... CHEDDERS!

And people wonder why I'm permanently confused.

This world makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

You cant blame anything on wispa gold bars.. They're quite obviously the best choccie bars in the world!! There are petitions and everything to bring them back! Its crazy..if you google it you'll see... :)

Anonymous said...

Oh...and about the BBQ cheddars. they do too taste of cheese!